Rebuilt 2.0 version

Version 2.0 is out!

Since the judging of Disc Room Game Jam has passed (we won!) I have decided to update the game following a lot of issues arising from disconnecting players. I also implemented features requested by players.

  1. Players joining are assigned to a list of online players, players disconnected are removed from this list.
  2. Triggers win scenarios when players leave or are jailed.
  3. Win states are now explained via text during win screens.
    1. When oxygen meter runs out, traitors win
    2. When all tasks are completed, scientists win
    3. When the last remaining traitor disconnects, scientists win
    4. When an equal number of traitors and scientists remain
    5. When there are exactly 2 remaining scientists and the last traitor is jailed
  4. How to play and win instructions during gameplay, you can also ask other players in the game! We have a great community!
  5. New room setup, simpler disc patterns
  6. Improved syncing of objects, they are now parented to the player carrying them instead of syncing their positions every time.
  7. Bigger hitbox for picking up / placing objects
  8. Visual bugs fixed (player colors in chat, spawn animations, etc).

What are you waiting for? Play Disc Us now!

Join our server to meet and talk to other players!

Files Play in browser
Nov 22, 2020


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194 days ago :\